
Good ol' Days of Halloween

For those of us who actually experienced Halloween and its glory in elementary school, do you find the streets eerily empty year after year? Where did Halloween go? I remember being out until 10:30 trick-or-treating (maybe not everyone did this, but I was the "fat kid". Still, I think you know where I'm coming from). Now instead of teaching our kids "Trick-or-Treat", we've instilled "stranger danger" as the theme. I realize the world isn't as naive as it use to be for kids, but that makes it all the more sad to me. Okay, I'll get off my soap box...
All that aside, I love getting dressed up and going out for Halloween. This year will be very laid back for me. I guess if all else fails, I could shock a few neighbors by showing up at their door. Now that I work at a Residential Treatment Center, I think it's a little inappropriate to wear my costume to work (darn!).

One thing I'm looking forward to is the day after Halloween. Why you ask? I get to start putting up the Christmas decorations at home and work, of course. Surprising? Probably not if you read my blog regularly. But here I am to spice things up... This year I've been requested to do it...by my manager. Okay, that probably wasn't shocking either. Anyways, in case I don't post anything next week...

HaPpY HaLLoWeeN (The good old fashioned kind)


Quick Thought: My Moment of Deep Thought

As I was getting ready today, I thought up a quote (or maybe even my new life moto) of how I want to live from this point forward:

Life is not one single moment, followed by happily ever after. It's more like multiple life experiences, and consciencely making the decision to be happy.
- Courtesly from the deep thoughts of Jen Z.

Yes, I realize this is just another version of another quote that may already be existing somewhere else.


...Art Institute of Salt Lake City...

It's official, I am back in school. I started yesterday and have made a few observations....

1) There are a lot of "creative" people that are really weird. 

2) It takes up a lot of my spare time (am I ready for this again?)

3) Most of the people at my school are in Graphic Design, Film and Photography, Web Design, but there are very few Interior Designers enrolled in the program.

4) In one day, I met another Interior Design student that is planning on transferring to another program. (I plan on transferring in June to Dallas Ai...cross your fingers, toes, legs, and whatever else for me and then say a prayer that it all works out.)
5) After being placed in the "Dummies Math" class, I am feeling extremely smart.

6) In my Drawing and Perspective class, I sat next to a young lady that just graduated High School. It was fine until three other guys came and sat next to her, all of a sudden she was dropping the "F" bomb more often than I could count. I guess I forgot how cool and hot that would make me look... oh well.

7) My car is a disaster with all my books and supplies I have to keep.

Don't take these observations as judgements. Just my perspective of the first day. Let's see what happens today...