
What a great day!

I am so grateful to be me today! I woke up to a wonderfully white day. I have been wondering where and when it was going to get here, because you know, Christmas just isn't Christmas without snow. The drive to work was a little slower than usual, but I still was able to make it in (another blessing). 

But the following is what REALLY is making my day great. I logged onto view my final grades for this semester and saw this....

Grade Report
Martino, Jennifer L.
Program Advisor Class First Major Second Major Academic Standing
Undergraduate Academic year 1 Interior Design Internal Transfer

Fall - 2010
Course Section Title Hours Final Grade
FS103BColor Theory3.00A
FS101ADrawing & Perspective3.00A
GE130AArt History4.00A
FS102BFund. of Design3.00A
GE085CTransitional Mathematics3.00A

Yes, that is right, for a workload of 16 credit hours... I received all A's! Wahoo! I'm not sure if that is Dean's List or President's List, but I'm on someones list and it feels great! I will take a little time to celebrate and then buckle down for next quarter. What a great day!