I don't know if anyone else has ever come across someone like this, but I have, so here is my story...
As I was talking to someone about their behavior in the work place, they interrupted me and said, "Oh well, I'm a Leo, so I naturally am a leader. It's hard for me to take orders." My response... "Who cares? Did you agree to your job responsibilities when you received your orientation?"
I understand that there is a natural tie to your astrological sign and personality, but that doesn't define your character or JOB ETHIC. I could not believe that someone wanted to dismiss unprofessionalism based on their zodiac sign. So out of curiosity, I discovered that a Leo is an "incompatible" sign for Pisces. Does this mean, because I'm a Pisces, I should see about letting this "Leo" go? Fortunately, I'm not that retarded. I'm pretty sure they would never use that excuse again, if I came to them with this discovery.
Oh. My. Word.