
.:faking it:.

I can honestly say that I am constantly struggling to keep my head above the water in many things in my life. It's easy for others to say "just be happy", but do you realize how hard that really is? But I have a game plan...

I overheard a conversation between therapists the other day about "just being happy". If you will commit to only positive words coming out of your mouth and at least faking happiness externally for 21 days, you can completely alter how you feel. So I have decided that I am going to put this to the test. As of today I am going to try faking happiness.

Who knew faking it could really work?


...New Years Resolutions...

I'm not sure if this post will more likely jinx me or motivate me to follow through with my New Years resolutions this year. I have thought a lot about what I want to do to make myself better and have come up with a list of 5 goals.

1. Be More Active: Go out walking, take a hike, or just doing things that get me moving.
2. Eat Healthier: Considering my current diet mostly consists of bread and/or cheese, I'm hoping this will postpone a heart attack.
3. Take Risks: I feel like I play it safe with a lot of my decisions and I want to be more adventurous.
4. Get Organized and Prioritize: I need to apply this towards EVERYTHING!
5. Gain a Relationship With Heavenly Father: It's been too easy for me to rely on others testimonies and I have decided I want to have my own.

Personal Update: I start school next week and am hoping I can pull out another 4.0. I was so excited that I got an official letter in the mail announcing that I was on the President's List. I'm totally framing that sucker!

I hope this year brings memorable moments, heaps of happiness, and limitless love... Happy New Year!