
Bragging Rights

This last semester of classes has been so hard to concentrate. I feel like it took everything in me to get up go to work, school, and get my assignments done. That being said, today I feel like it totally paid off. I logged into view my grades and saw the following:

Grade Report
Martino, Jennifer L.
Program Advisor Class First Major Second Major Academic Standing
Undergraduate Academic year 1 Interior Design Continuing Progress

Winter - 2011
Course Section Title Hours Final Grade
GE110BEnglish Composition
GE112AUS History I
GE131EModern & Contemporary Art

That is right people, I am the proud owner of another 4.0 GPA! Wahoo! Let me just say, I am so happy to be done with US History and Psychology especially. I am starting the application process again for Ai Dallas, so I'm hoping these last two semesters of 16 credit hours and 4.0 GPA's will help land some better scholarships. This is beyond good news, so I had to share.

Thanks for letting me brag...


Banksy: Graffitti Artist

I have been studying Modern and Contemporary Art this semester and have gotten some pretty awesome insights to the art world. We covered everything from the Neoclassical period to present day forms of art that include graffiti or tag art. If you want a good laugh and some social learning on the subject of the graffiti art movement, I would totally recommend Banksy's documentary called Exit to the Gift Shop. It isn't a stuffy art documentary at all. It is really interesting and is very entertaining.

Google or look up Banksy under Wikipedia to find out more details, but to give you a little background, he is one of the first leading graffitti artists of the world. And when I say artist, I really mean it. He does some awesome stuff. Because he does tagging EVERYWHERE, he wears this cloak of mystery to prevent himself from getting in trouble. Think of him as the modern day crop circles.

Check it out... I highly recommend it.


Too Old for MTV?

I don't have a ton of time these days to watch tv, so when I do, I feel like I catch up on all the series that I normally miss. I was flipping through channels on Sunday and came across Teen Mom 2. It became like a sick addiction, watching episode after episode (I lucked out and got to watch a marathon). Every commercial break, I would get up to attempt some kind of productivity during the day, but towards the end of the marathon I watched a preview for the new MTV series "Skins". The next commercial was for the new Real World, Las Vegas. Unfortunately, I will never get those 2 minutes back. I don't know if you ever have seen the previews that I'm talking about, but scandalous just barely serves as a description for these shows.

Lesson Learned: Just DVR Teen Mom

This experience only has me more anxious about my birthday. One year older, and another year that I'm too old to watch this station.


A Good Belly Laugh

Let me start this post by saying I love the Walmart $5.00 movie bin. My latest finds have been Troy, LIFE, Son in Law, but my favorite so far... The Great Outdoors. If you haven't seen it, I would totally recommend it. The best stupid humor ever!