
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese... I got the blues...

Granted, I watched far much more television than I probably should ever have, but I feel like I'm the perfect candidate to back the following statement. Do you remember all the awesome commercials and TV shows that use to play when we were kids? Let's see where do I start?

  • Breakfast cereals, fruit snacks, kool-aid/juice, and convenient foods. These were some commercials I actually didn't mind watching.

  •  So now let's be a little more obvious. Toys. Oh boy, toys! Where did all the awesome ads go that made the next big toy seem so irresistible? For some reason, Barbie always seemed so much more animated and entertaining than I ever could make her.

  • Holiday TV specials on TGIF! Hello, Step-by-Step? Friday night couldn't be more exciting...

Should I be embarrassed that I feel these things are so nostalgic and wonder? Regardless, I do! To end this post, I'd like to use a quote from my past, as well as many of your's I'm sure, "I don't wanna grow up, I don't wanna be big, I wanna be a Toy R' Us kid" forever!


  1. haha so, so true... I was just talking to my hubs the other night about TGIF and he had no clue what I was talking about! Crazy!! :)

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