
Help needed? I've got it all figured out...

I am sick of saying I, me, my, mine, etc in every sentence or conversation. It's time for a revolution. Those words need to be taken away from this girl's vocabulary. It's now clearer than ever, I may possibly be egocentric. Not good. Not good at all.

For those of you wondering what exactly that is, the following is the direct definition from the internet:

"Thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered."

Good grief! Not appealing wearing that definition at all! According to Lucy on "A Charlie Brown's Christmas", the mere fact that I realize I need help, means that I'm not too far gone. 

So what's the plan of action? Well her advice was that I needed involvement, maybe by even being a Director of a Christmas play, but I'm not sure I can wait that long. Next, it's important that I learn to shut up and listen, because I've got to learn to take direction. I've got to have discipline. This one will be hard, but I have duct tape and super glue on hand, if necessary. Finally, I need to learn to ask questions and be able to have conversations that focus solely on the other person. The last thing I want to be thought of is a block-head. I think this is the start to the new and improved me... whew! I'm feeling better already!  

(For those of you who haven't caught on... I'm plugging another Christmas movie)

The official count down has begun folks!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, you make me laugh! You and Declan both L-O-V-E Christmas! I love Christmas but after Thanksgiving...
