
My Latest Controversy

What a day I have had. Please feel free to disregard this post if you don't want to read about someone seriously pissed off and needing to vent.

I officially HATE Ai SLC. I was told basically that if I have nothing nice to say, then don't say it all. This was all followed after I confirmed another classmates comment to a class full of Interior Design students that this program, at Ai SLC, is not accredited through an Interior Design Board like the ASID or NCIDQ. I have made multiple attempts to talk to the registrar, Dean, Financial Aid Officers, and on one occasion, the Creative Director, to request their help with making sure I'm making the right choices in classes to transfer into another program, and on multiple occasions ignored. Understanding this, guess who I get a phone call from tonight? The Dean and Creative Director. Yes, they finally made time to talk to me, but only to basically intimidate me into thinking that it isn't a big deal that the program isn't accredited. They down played the importance of it, and then flat out told me their admission folks are doing nothing wrong by helping the students sign their name on the doted line under the assumption that they are attending a program that is in fact accredited. Bottom line folks, the school is NOT accredited through CIDA, the board that ensures our educational requirements are being met at a school to pursue a successful career. I am pissed off that it took this to light a fire under their asses to take time to talk to me and then only to be threatened that I'm doing something in violation of the Student Code of Conduct by expressing my views and opinions.

To my "esteemed" educators: Guess what? This little blonde is NOT about to be quiet. Ever heard of free speech? You are on the brink of violating my constitutional right. Tread lightly, because I have too many examples that show your lack of concern for my education and I can't help but think there are many other students that feel the same way, including those even in other programs. While you are more concerned with your wallets and losing students because you misinformed them at the time of admission, I have had to deal with ignorant
teachers allowing anti-Mormon topics duing classrooms hours, teachers allowing slanderish conversations by other students about my faith, the teachers allowing vulgar language and assignment presentations because "we are an art school". As if the atmosphere isn't frustrating enough, I've continually had to follow up with teachers just to make sure they actually recorded assignments I had already turned in and had handed back. Truth of the matter is, I don't really care if these students stay with your program or not, but I do care that you are trying to make me look like I'm the one that is "misinformed" about anything, when I'm one of the few students that knew exactly what I was getting my self into because I researched it and asked questions. I asked so many questions, in fact, most of your staff were unable to answer them because they straight up did not know what I was asking. So, they did what any person would do, and set me up meetings with the Dean, Registrar, and Creative Director to help me get answers, but my meeting never happened because everytime I showed up I was told you all were too busy and that you needed to reschedule. This happened three times, and I finally gave up. Do you want to talk about Code of Conduct? Maybe you need to get your own crap figured out, before you start flinging it at anyone else.

Pissed off, doesn't even begin to describe how I felt during and after my 20 minute conversation. So, I decided to take it to my blog and vent my frustration. If anything else it is a good therapeutic exercise to organize my thoughts in case I ever have to have another conversation with them.

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