I woke up this morning feeling Christmas in the air. I know it is only August, but I seem to always jump the gun on the Christmas season. It's tradition. I think this all started last night when I downloaded a new app on my iphone. What could it be? None other than the "Christmas Radio" app. I'm sitting here at work with my music beaming, and I keep getting awkward looks. Should I turn it down? NO! I will not! It makes me happy. So today I will enjoy the feeling "Jingle Bells" and "White Christmas" brings me. You can stick your nose in the air and think I'm crazy, but what does that make you? Yes, perhaps the word "Scrooge" comes to mind.
This brings me to my next topic, friends. I met one of my best friends at beauty school by talking about my love for holidays. Turns out she had the same love and obsession! We ended up being roommates for nearly two years and celebrated our crazy holiday feelings together.We weren't as bad as I am being now, but we had some great traditions. Fall Fest was arranged with the following activities: making "Throw Up" cookies (a la me), yummy muffins (made by Lindsay Lou), and Oh! the wonderful smell of Taco Soup! We took many rides to Great Harvest to pick up Pumpkin Spice bread, and on Thursday we met for lunch to pickup Spinach/Feta bread sandwiches. I think we even made a trip to Gardner Village to participate in a mystery dinner. That turned out to be pretty gay, but there were some good laughs. I miss those times! Growing up can be fun, but sometimes it makes relationships change. This post is in memory of that friendship and bond! I know she will appreciate it...
Here is a tribute to Fall and Christmas Fest:
And just for kicks... a memory of a late night...
Yes... That's right... Edgar!
This brought tears to my eyes. I love it Jen! You have no idea how much I mean it when I say I really miss those times too. Things may not ever be exactly the same as they were, but I don't think that means the fun times and memories should EVER end! Let's get crackin' on making more laughs...