
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese... I got the blues...

Granted, I watched far much more television than I probably should ever have, but I feel like I'm the perfect candidate to back the following statement. Do you remember all the awesome commercials and TV shows that use to play when we were kids? Let's see where do I start?

  • Breakfast cereals, fruit snacks, kool-aid/juice, and convenient foods. These were some commercials I actually didn't mind watching.

  •  So now let's be a little more obvious. Toys. Oh boy, toys! Where did all the awesome ads go that made the next big toy seem so irresistible? For some reason, Barbie always seemed so much more animated and entertaining than I ever could make her.

  • Holiday TV specials on TGIF! Hello, Step-by-Step? Friday night couldn't be more exciting...

Should I be embarrassed that I feel these things are so nostalgic and wonder? Regardless, I do! To end this post, I'd like to use a quote from my past, as well as many of your's I'm sure, "I don't wanna grow up, I don't wanna be big, I wanna be a Toy R' Us kid" forever!


Help needed? I've got it all figured out...

I am sick of saying I, me, my, mine, etc in every sentence or conversation. It's time for a revolution. Those words need to be taken away from this girl's vocabulary. It's now clearer than ever, I may possibly be egocentric. Not good. Not good at all.

For those of you wondering what exactly that is, the following is the direct definition from the internet:

"Thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered."

Good grief! Not appealing wearing that definition at all! According to Lucy on "A Charlie Brown's Christmas", the mere fact that I realize I need help, means that I'm not too far gone. 

So what's the plan of action? Well her advice was that I needed involvement, maybe by even being a Director of a Christmas play, but I'm not sure I can wait that long. Next, it's important that I learn to shut up and listen, because I've got to learn to take direction. I've got to have discipline. This one will be hard, but I have duct tape and super glue on hand, if necessary. Finally, I need to learn to ask questions and be able to have conversations that focus solely on the other person. The last thing I want to be thought of is a block-head. I think this is the start to the new and improved me... whew! I'm feeling better already!  

(For those of you who haven't caught on... I'm plugging another Christmas movie)

The official count down has begun folks!


an incurable case of inapproriate laughter

Yes, it is true. I can be the biggest pain in the butt you will ever know. I am pretty sure I'm bi-polar, with a pinch of pissy, a twist of crazy, and a heap of sarcastic. 99% of the time I'll tell you "I don't care", but 100% of that time I'm lying, because I have an opinion about EVERYTHING. I let very few people see me with my walls down, but when I do, I'll love them to the day I die.

With all of this, I have one thing that is constant no matter what... my incurable case of inappropriate laughter. I laugh at the most awful and inappropriate times. This weekend seemed to be no different for me, but I realized it must be genetic! My mom and me thought some of the funniest moments were while my aunt was driving the car ready to pull her hair out. Yes, I'm ashamed to say, it made it even funnier for us.

My memories are scattered with people who can appreciate these times and help contribute to the moment. This post is a simple thank you. Because of you, I have an overwhelming file of memories that I often return to.


Are you ready to be excited???

I have been wondering when they were going to come out with another GOOD holiday flick. I went searching on the internet this weekend and came across this....

I'm hoping it's a good one! You can bet that I'm going to be pounding the pavement to see it as soon as it comes out. Anyone want to join?


Yes I did...

Who says life is dull? Maybe they just need a different perspective. I have found myself experiencing and doing things that I never thought I would do, just by transplanting myself in a new environment. The following is a list of the things... and yes, I did every single one of them:

1. Found a Christmas movie I hated, which is extremely unusual for me. Snowglobe = Official killer of holiday spirit. (Yes, I realize it's September)

2. Disinfected, soaked, and bathed Dakota (my dog) after she rolled in a pile of maggot-infested fish. My gag-reflex was is hyper-drive! This of course was in the lot right next to McDonald's and Taco Bueno, which makes fast-food that much more unappealing...

3. Took Dakota to a dog park to socialize. The story ends with us being the only ones sitting in the "park". She didn't mind, she just walked around sniffing where all the dogs had previously peed.

4. While at the dog park, I called into a Christian talk radio to add my name to a petition to allow clergy to participate in 9/11 memorial ceremony. They seemed disappointed after I told them I didn't want to pledge a "$100 or $200 desperately needed gift" to support the cause. The radio announcer forgot to mention that part, obviously. Regardless, my name is now on this petition that is being sent to the Mayor of New York. Too much time on my hands? I think so...

5. Not only have I single ward-hopped, but I signed myself up to attend LDS Institute classes. Say hello to the new me? Nah... I'm still the same.

6. In an attempt to get Dakota some exercise, I dropped her off in a parking lot and drove around, with her chasing behind me. I, of course, thought it was hilarious watching her run, but realized how it probably looked to the late-night grocery shoppers exiting the store. Even with it being 11pm, I decided that it wasn't a good idea after I got several concerned looks. (I haven't returned to that grocery store either...just in case)

I'm sure I could go on and on with this list. It is very easy for me to find the negative in things, but I'm learning to appreciate the humorous situations I find myself in lately. Perspective, attitude, or whatever you want to call it, can make or break what we get out of life. I've decided that the only way I'm going to be happy is if I learn to enjoy the moments.


Love and/or Hate

Does day after day of sunshine sound wonderful to you? Well it does to me to, but it's so hot that my hair sticks to the back of my neck just walking from my car to the door. That being said... I still LOVE this weather.

I craved pizza tonight and decided to call Papa Johns. I was salivating at the thought of it, and scarfed it down after it was delivered, but now I'm sick even thinking about eating another piece. I'm almost certain I'm going to HATE the scale tomorrow morning.

I finally got my financial aid figured out for the 2011-2012 school year, but I have to take classes Friday night, all day Saturday, and during the afternoon on Sunday. This one, I'm torn on. I'm pretty sure once I get a life in Big D, I'll hate classes on the weekends, but at the current moment, I couldn't be more excited to start back into the routine of school again. 

These are the things that bring the most joy to my life:

Decorating for Fall

Decorating for Christmas

. . . And the best of all, STUPID humor (enjoy) . . .


Quick Note: Everything is Amazing and Nobody is Happy

I was having a moment today at work. Okay, it was more than that. I was freaking out because I couldn't get ANYTHING to work like I needed it to, when I needed it to. I remembered this clip my Aunt Elizabeth showed me a while back, and realized I am completely guilty of being a spoiled technology brat.

For a good laugh, check out the following clip:


Life and Observations at the Moment

Well, to start, my life is so much different than it was two weeks ago. I am in my new home, doing a new job, trying to get into a new school, and don't know ANYONE. Ahh the possibilities....

I just finished moving the last bins from my room into my garage and am realizing two things. 1) This is MY home, and 2) This is the perfect time for everything to be happening. My move was pretty smooth. My wonderful mother helped me not only organize my house, but also refinished this chair...

I LOVE this chair! It was the perfect addition to my living room. Other than that, I have tried to negotiate, barter, and beg everyone I love to come visit me (this of course, will not stop until they do).

Now, time for my latest observations. First on the list is this song I just heard "You Look Better with the Lights Off". I don't know about you, but I would be completely pissed off if anyone said, sang, or dedicated that song to me. Whoever thought that song was worth producing, is obviously some narcosis that relies on money to get anything beyond a hand shake.

This leads me to my next observation. Have you ever noticed that "poke" button on Facebook (what is that for anyways)? Well, I've decided that instead of a "dislike" button, they should launch a "punch" button. There are so many people that say the dumbest things on Facebook, I believe that figuratively "knocking sense into them", may just be the kind of therapy they need (especially seeing that by actually doing it will land you an assault charge). I know there may be some people that read this and think I am being a little extreme, but there will be a day that you will want to "like" this idea.

Happy Monday everyone!


Quick Note: Sean Z

My brother Sean is probably one of the funniest people I know. Here is a little something about him:

The easiest way to make him happy, is to give him a "pop", working radio, and his buddy, "Ben". He is very picky about how long he wants to hold a conversation, but when he does, he has no problem with personal space. He knows one bad word (not sure where he learned it), and seems to use at the best moments.

The last 10 years, we've been able to celebrate his birthday in Bear Lake with everyone else celebrating the 4th of July (his birthday is July 3rd). Normally, we would do sparklers, but this year we forgot to bring them up. Declan asked Sean how we felt about not doing them, Sean's response "S***". Talk about comedic timing. To extend Sean's big 33 fun, we decided to do sparklers tonight instead. I'm excited to see what memories Sean will make for us.

Pictures to follow in next post.


. : Update of Tid Bits : .

Over the past month I have finished school at AiSLC (received my third 4.0 in a row, very excited!), settled on a town home in Dallas, put in my notice at work, and accepted another position with our corporate company. Now I have to start packing up all my things over the next week or two, because my official move date is July 25. It is so close and my anxiety is starting to creep up on me. Good thing I had a long weekend in Bear Lake to ease myself into this month of ciaos.

This 4th of July weekend was BEAUTIFUL in Bear Lake. Unfortunately, Declan had to sit out on the absolutely perfect water we had because he got surgery on his knee two weeks ago, but he was a good sport to drive the boat for my dad and me. Below is a picture of the lake... no exaggeration, it was glass.


Fat be gone? Don't mind if I do...

As I was looking at older pictures, it got me thinking about my weight. This sounds completely vain, but I was looking pretty good two years ago and then I packed on some serious "baggage". Reaching deeper into the pile of photos, I went back to the previous year before those days and realized I was quite beefy. The farther back I looked at pictures of myself, I started to notice a trend. Turns out, every year and a half, since high school, I have been losing and gaining the same 20lbs. So I did the math and it looks like this year I get to lose some weight! Now of course it will just happen magically. You know what? I won't even put up a fight. "Sure, go ahead take it. And could you give me a four-pack while your at it?" is what I'll respond when it comes knocking. Don't worry, I'll patiently wait for my "bibity bopity boo" moment. In the mean time, does anyone have a good recipe for cheesecake? :)


Arranging a Date With Goodbye

Time seems to be ticking on, and with that, I am being forced into settling on a date. I keep saying the end of June or beginning of July, but now that it is almost June, I have to put a date on the calendar. Between finding an apartment in Dallas, finding some online courses for school, figuring things out with work, completing things at the Art Institute of SLC, and random design projects, it becomes overwhelming. So, this weekend is completely dedicated to stewing on the move date.

Looking at the possibilities, I am excited for this huge change. I feel like I need this. I don't have everything figured out, I barely have a plan. I just know that I have to push myself to get out of this rut. Who knew growing up meant growing out of our comfort zones? Thank heavens for my parents in this whole process.

To-Do List? Making a list of what I don't need to do seems a lot less overwhelming, and maybe a little more fun. We all need a moment of craziness to get back to what matters. I'm trying to decide if mine is this move or if I need one before the move, to get grounded again. Time will tell...


...Sunshine, Please...

I can't believe it is passed the mid-way point in May. Furthermore, I can't believe we have only had 4 or 5 days of good weather. I have been supplementing natural sun rays with the tanning bed, possibly the best coping method I can find. I keep hoping that by thinking happy thoughts the clouds will part and we can officially welcome summer. I know the proper response is to say, "I'm thankful for the moisture", but I am also thankful for that giant ball of fire in the sky hidden behind these clouds. After watching season 2 or 3 of The Office, I'm pretty sure Michael researched the effects of winter weather and the workplace, and found depression could lead you to threats of jumping off a building. :) Oh, The Office... In case you want a refresher, click on the link below:


Have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend!


My Latest Controversy

What a day I have had. Please feel free to disregard this post if you don't want to read about someone seriously pissed off and needing to vent.

I officially HATE Ai SLC. I was told basically that if I have nothing nice to say, then don't say it all. This was all followed after I confirmed another classmates comment to a class full of Interior Design students that this program, at Ai SLC, is not accredited through an Interior Design Board like the ASID or NCIDQ. I have made multiple attempts to talk to the registrar, Dean, Financial Aid Officers, and on one occasion, the Creative Director, to request their help with making sure I'm making the right choices in classes to transfer into another program, and on multiple occasions ignored. Understanding this, guess who I get a phone call from tonight? The Dean and Creative Director. Yes, they finally made time to talk to me, but only to basically intimidate me into thinking that it isn't a big deal that the program isn't accredited. They down played the importance of it, and then flat out told me their admission folks are doing nothing wrong by helping the students sign their name on the doted line under the assumption that they are attending a program that is in fact accredited. Bottom line folks, the school is NOT accredited through CIDA, the board that ensures our educational requirements are being met at a school to pursue a successful career. I am pissed off that it took this to light a fire under their asses to take time to talk to me and then only to be threatened that I'm doing something in violation of the Student Code of Conduct by expressing my views and opinions.

To my "esteemed" educators: Guess what? This little blonde is NOT about to be quiet. Ever heard of free speech? You are on the brink of violating my constitutional right. Tread lightly, because I have too many examples that show your lack of concern for my education and I can't help but think there are many other students that feel the same way, including those even in other programs. While you are more concerned with your wallets and losing students because you misinformed them at the time of admission, I have had to deal with ignorant
teachers allowing anti-Mormon topics duing classrooms hours, teachers allowing slanderish conversations by other students about my faith, the teachers allowing vulgar language and assignment presentations because "we are an art school". As if the atmosphere isn't frustrating enough, I've continually had to follow up with teachers just to make sure they actually recorded assignments I had already turned in and had handed back. Truth of the matter is, I don't really care if these students stay with your program or not, but I do care that you are trying to make me look like I'm the one that is "misinformed" about anything, when I'm one of the few students that knew exactly what I was getting my self into because I researched it and asked questions. I asked so many questions, in fact, most of your staff were unable to answer them because they straight up did not know what I was asking. So, they did what any person would do, and set me up meetings with the Dean, Registrar, and Creative Director to help me get answers, but my meeting never happened because everytime I showed up I was told you all were too busy and that you needed to reschedule. This happened three times, and I finally gave up. Do you want to talk about Code of Conduct? Maybe you need to get your own crap figured out, before you start flinging it at anyone else.

Pissed off, doesn't even begin to describe how I felt during and after my 20 minute conversation. So, I decided to take it to my blog and vent my frustration. If anything else it is a good therapeutic exercise to organize my thoughts in case I ever have to have another conversation with them.


Tick Tock

I just got back from visiting the Ai Dallas and area, let me just say "wow!" I'm ready to pack up all my stuff, quit my job, and move there right now. Everything about it was great, and to top it all off I got to enjoy weather that I could wear shorts in finally. I filled out the transfer request forms so that I can get my transcripts from here sent over, so it is just a matter of seeing if they will accept everything and qualify for my financial aid. If everything works out the way I hope, I should be able to start school there in July. They did tell me it will be a frustrating process, but I figure it'll be worth it. I'm ready for this new chapter in my life.

Ai SLC Update: if you ever wonder where the kids are that ran to the lunch rooms with their backpacks on to get in line first, you can now stop wondering. They are most likely going to school with me. Weirdest bunch of people, EVER! Example: I had a girl in one of my classes show up wearing a neckbrace because her cats tripped her, who also decided to wear a "Naughty Mrs. Claus" outfit for the month of December. I should just be grateful my tuition also includes a show every class period.

Dear Texas, please hurry..


Bragging Rights

This last semester of classes has been so hard to concentrate. I feel like it took everything in me to get up go to work, school, and get my assignments done. That being said, today I feel like it totally paid off. I logged into view my grades and saw the following:

Grade Report
Martino, Jennifer L.
Program Advisor Class First Major Second Major Academic Standing
Undergraduate Academic year 1 Interior Design Continuing Progress

Winter - 2011
Course Section Title Hours Final Grade
GE110BEnglish Composition
GE112AUS History I
GE131EModern & Contemporary Art

That is right people, I am the proud owner of another 4.0 GPA! Wahoo! Let me just say, I am so happy to be done with US History and Psychology especially. I am starting the application process again for Ai Dallas, so I'm hoping these last two semesters of 16 credit hours and 4.0 GPA's will help land some better scholarships. This is beyond good news, so I had to share.

Thanks for letting me brag...


Banksy: Graffitti Artist

I have been studying Modern and Contemporary Art this semester and have gotten some pretty awesome insights to the art world. We covered everything from the Neoclassical period to present day forms of art that include graffiti or tag art. If you want a good laugh and some social learning on the subject of the graffiti art movement, I would totally recommend Banksy's documentary called Exit to the Gift Shop. It isn't a stuffy art documentary at all. It is really interesting and is very entertaining.

Google or look up Banksy under Wikipedia to find out more details, but to give you a little background, he is one of the first leading graffitti artists of the world. And when I say artist, I really mean it. He does some awesome stuff. Because he does tagging EVERYWHERE, he wears this cloak of mystery to prevent himself from getting in trouble. Think of him as the modern day crop circles.

Check it out... I highly recommend it.


Too Old for MTV?

I don't have a ton of time these days to watch tv, so when I do, I feel like I catch up on all the series that I normally miss. I was flipping through channels on Sunday and came across Teen Mom 2. It became like a sick addiction, watching episode after episode (I lucked out and got to watch a marathon). Every commercial break, I would get up to attempt some kind of productivity during the day, but towards the end of the marathon I watched a preview for the new MTV series "Skins". The next commercial was for the new Real World, Las Vegas. Unfortunately, I will never get those 2 minutes back. I don't know if you ever have seen the previews that I'm talking about, but scandalous just barely serves as a description for these shows.

Lesson Learned: Just DVR Teen Mom

This experience only has me more anxious about my birthday. One year older, and another year that I'm too old to watch this station.


A Good Belly Laugh

Let me start this post by saying I love the Walmart $5.00 movie bin. My latest finds have been Troy, LIFE, Son in Law, but my favorite so far... The Great Outdoors. If you haven't seen it, I would totally recommend it. The best stupid humor ever!


Under Construction

Here is a small glimpse at some progess I have been making on some design work I have been doing for New Haven. I'm redoing the school house and have a pretty small budget considering the size of the space. I got these chairs for free and decided to reburish them for extra seating. They still need some accent pillows, but I'm excited about the difference already.

This is the before:

This is the after (so far):


Valentine's Day

I love everything about Valentine's day. It is a day to love, just because. Some of my favorite memories of elementary school, were making my different Valentine boxes (I have to say, I always thought I had the cutest one). Today is another day to bank in my memory. The sun is shining and actually pretty warm, had a Valentine's surprise from my wonderful parents, and am finishing it off by completing some chairs I'm refurbishing for work. No romance or wooing for me this year, just am getting to enjoy the things I really love.

Spread the love of Valentine's Day!


.:faking it:.

I can honestly say that I am constantly struggling to keep my head above the water in many things in my life. It's easy for others to say "just be happy", but do you realize how hard that really is? But I have a game plan...

I overheard a conversation between therapists the other day about "just being happy". If you will commit to only positive words coming out of your mouth and at least faking happiness externally for 21 days, you can completely alter how you feel. So I have decided that I am going to put this to the test. As of today I am going to try faking happiness.

Who knew faking it could really work?


...New Years Resolutions...

I'm not sure if this post will more likely jinx me or motivate me to follow through with my New Years resolutions this year. I have thought a lot about what I want to do to make myself better and have come up with a list of 5 goals.

1. Be More Active: Go out walking, take a hike, or just doing things that get me moving.
2. Eat Healthier: Considering my current diet mostly consists of bread and/or cheese, I'm hoping this will postpone a heart attack.
3. Take Risks: I feel like I play it safe with a lot of my decisions and I want to be more adventurous.
4. Get Organized and Prioritize: I need to apply this towards EVERYTHING!
5. Gain a Relationship With Heavenly Father: It's been too easy for me to rely on others testimonies and I have decided I want to have my own.

Personal Update: I start school next week and am hoping I can pull out another 4.0. I was so excited that I got an official letter in the mail announcing that I was on the President's List. I'm totally framing that sucker!

I hope this year brings memorable moments, heaps of happiness, and limitless love... Happy New Year!